Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Your Favorite Holiday Story

AS discussed and reviewed in class - favorite holiday stories, memories ....

What was that?  Author, Harper Lee, uses her 10 year old voice (Scout) in To Kill a Mockingbird - she pulls from her memories ....

WE all have a favorite time/space around the holiday - our best time.  We want to share in vivid details - to let our reader know what happened - what color, what kind, how - where, when - what about it - DESCRIBE in a new way - your story - let us know exactly about that Chocolate Chip Cookie, Trampoline - ticket to pancakes - employ your five senses - (makes it easy!)

Have fun!  Its a great memory - tell us all about it!  Don't miss the DETAILS - draw pictures with your words - help us see it, smell it, feel it!  

Title - byline (CATCHY TITLE) with byline (no last names)

Minimum of four paragraphs (4 to 5 sentences each) - spelling, grammar (conventions count)

Editing Sheet - draft/review/draft review - have hard copy complete before going to computer -

Story PLANS/for story idea posted on blog by Friday - December 9th -

Final Drafts due - and posted with editing sheet attached by next Thursday, December 15th.



  1. my story will be about my favorite Christmas eve. when I did a Christmas exchange with my family and got a really cool present.

  2. So I am going to do my Christmas holiday. I was six years when I went to Africa and you have to read my story to know more about my story. The title is going to be holiday flashback. Steven is going to be my editor.-shay shay

  3. My story is about a tradition that me and my family do every year.So every year my Dad,Mom,Grandma,Grandpa and I go to the Scottsdale Resort in Scottsdsae,Az and have brunch .Then at the Scottsdale Resort there is this man who make any baloon animal you could think of for you.

  4. Hi this is Faith. I am doing my story about my favorite holiday family activity (baking cookies). My title is Trip and Trampoline. By Faith F.

  5. Hello its Mikey I will do my story on the first Christmas I got my cat Stormy. It is the one I remember the best!(;

  6. Hi Ms.Lane this Alivia. I will be doing a story on the time I went to the North Pole Experience. ~ Livie

  7. Hi Ms. Lane. I plan to do my story on last years Christmas. My title is The Merry Christmas Present. -Rees

  8. Hi Ms. Lane, this is Kittens and my title is " The Sleep Of a Sick Christmas. Its about last Christmas when I was sick but I still had the joy of fun and Christmas

  9. Hi this is Delani I am writing about the Christmas ornament tradition that my family does every year now. The title will be The Jingle Bell Frogs.

  10. My idea is to write a story about when I went to New Zealand last year. I am going to write about when I went fishing on a boat.

  11. My plan is going to be my best memories like the "I Am From" project.

  12. Hi this is Cody and I am going to write about why X-mas is special to me.

  13. Hi this is Elizabeth.My favorite holiday is 2015 christmas eve and christmas day. My story is called A Disney Christmas.

  14. Hi my report is about my car crash two years ago. And it happens on December 13, 2014 so it was around christmas. So I hope you like my story.

  15. Hi Miss Lane this is Breezy. Every year on Christmas eve we go to church and do candle lighting service, we hang out with friends and talk ,but most important we worship God. That is my plan for the story. It is called “ A Light For Christ”.

  16. Hi Ms. Lane and i'm doing x-mas and i'm going to last years

  17. Funny Bunny
    By: Daniela D.
    My holiday story is about every Easter my Dad, Mom, Grandma, Grandpa and I go to the Scottsdale Resort in Scottsdale, Arizona. But before that I open all the candy and toys on my kitchen table. I got things like: Reeses, Kit Kats, Smarties and Snickers, oh my.
    After that, my family got in the car and drove to the Scottsdale Resort. We walked in and walked up the stair to the brunch room and sat at our table.

    Next we put our stuff down and went straight to the buffet. They have a deli area, a dessert table and all the food you could imagine. I was as hungry as a horse, I used about three plates and almost ate every last bite. Also while you eat there is a man who will make you any balloon animal you want.

    After brunch, we went back downstairs and outside to the petting zoo. They had a bunch of animals like bunnies, chickens, baby chicks and goats. It was like a room full of cuteness. I held almost every animal. I also took a picture with almost every animal.
    The place is also a resort. But I can't sleep there because the next day is school. Since I can't sleep there on Easter I spent as much time as I could there. Then we drove home and played with my toys and ate my candy. I cannot wait to go again next year.

  18. The Merry Christmas Present
    By Rees G.

    2015’s Christmas Eve kicked off with food. We had homemade waffles, bacon, and eggs. All I could smell was bacon and warm syrup. After brunch, we went bowling at the bowling alley, where I got one of my first strikes ever. I had a really good time bowling and it was really fun.

    After we went bowling, my family went to my house and my cousin played basketball. Once the sun set we started of having a big buffet. It was mostly homemade and we had cookies, brownies, hot and barbeque wings, and a whole lot more. Then we started opening presents. When we finished opening presents, which took a while my family went to bed.

    When I woke on crazy Christmas Day all I saw, as I was coming down the stairs, was piles of presents, my parents, and my grandparents. I was trying to wake up everyone by making a lot of noise. Eventually I started to open presents, when my brother came down.

    Once my brother woke up we started opening more presents along with the stockings. I got a ton of NBA toys, candies, and a red joke book. We had gooey homemade delicious cinnamon rolls for breakfast. They were the best cinnamon rolls I have ever had. When the NBA games came on my cousin, Jonathon and I watched them until lunch. We watched the Chicago Bulls at the Oklahoma City Thunder and the Bulls won. At lunch, we had ham, potatoes, and a whole lot more. This is my favorite Christmas memory of all-time, what is yours?

  19. The Sleep of the Sick Christmas
    By: Kaisha H.

    On Christmas eve, I was very tired and excited. This was December 24, 2015. The reason I was tired because I very, very sick. But everyone still came for Christmas. At my dads my dads we open up presents on Christmas eve. I was at my dads house.

    When everyone was here , we played a few board games. When dinner came,we all ate together. The food was as good as a taco or even better. When we where all done eating we open up presents. We went littlest to biggest. I got a target, sorry(the board game), cloths and more. When that was all done, everyone stayed for a bit longer. Then I fell asleep. Then I woke up and said, " Where is everyone?". Dad said they left. I never got to say good bye because I was asleep. Then my mom pick me and sister up to go home.

    When we arrived, we stayed up late until 10 o'clock. I stayed up late because I super excited. On Christmas day I threw up. But after that I went down the stairs as fast as I could. There was so many presents and Santa ate the chocolate cookies!

    There was presents from Santa, mommy, grandma and grandpa. I got toys, cloths, but then we went to our uncles house. I got a creeper jacket and more. Then my dad pick me and my sister up, and that was my best Christmas so far.

  20. The Rise Of The Evil Teddy Bears
    By: LUWE
    One Christmas night me and my sister played a game. We played Five Nights At Freddy's 4 in real life. It was fun because it was really 6 hours and I won. We also saw all the elves on the shelves were gone. The most important thing was that I won.

    When I was opening persists I got a camera Markiplyer youses to make videos. I also got Mindcraft for the XBOX 360, and a bild-a-bear stormwasrs stormtruper. It was awesome, and NO I did not get a Hurombay toy, but I did see a lot of Hurombay stuff, like videos, toys, and books.
    That day all apps were free so I got all Five Nights At Freddy's games for my tablit, and I got a blackberry, but it was charging. My charismas was awesome and Hurombay did not visit me right now and I bet you just said something funny right now, but you don't know that you struggle to get the lades, but I got watermelown's to get me Mercedes.

  21. Holiday crash!
    By: Kassia Starr
    One day my mom and I went to see Santa. I couldn’t go see him. After that my mom took me to breakfast. When we were done, we started to go to the bank. As we were turning in, a car hit our car. My life flashed before my eyes. I was going to the hospital after that because I had a concussion.

    After coming home from the hospital, I finally saw my first snow fall. The snow was fun. When I got inside, my mom and I made cookies. My mom asked a friend to come over and we had a snowball fight. That night felt like christmas. We did our hair. My mom ate cookie dough. It was amazing.

    When we grew tired, we laid down to watch movies. Here is the cookie story before I forget. They were chocolate chip. I can’t believe it’s been about two or three years since it happened. The day was exciting and scary. Also it all happened on December 13, 2014 it was such a long time ago.

    I forgot to mention. People might ask what i did in the hospital. I watched movies, one was 101 Dalmations. I also got to eat lunch there. I had a hamburger for lunch. After lunch, my mom helped me make the bed. We finally went home. That’s my story what’s yours.

  22. The Jingle Bell Frogs
    By: Delani D.

    It was a long time ago in the winter of 2014. My mom and little brother, who was 5 years old back then, were out shopping. My dad and I were sitting at the table thinking of different christmas present ideas for my mom. My dad thought getting her a puzzle was a good idea and I agreed. We went to Hallmark to get it because they were one of the only stores that carried my mom’s favorite puzzle brand.

    While we were in Hallmark, we found a puzzle with different colored cupcakes and another with different flavors of ice cream. After we found the puzzles we were going to buy, we decided to look around. I saw a singing reindeer with twinkle lights around its’ neck. I also saw a big jar of taffy. It had all kinds of flavors including caramel, watermelon, and peppermint. I went around a corner and saw a bunch of christmas ornaments.

    My favorite was one that looked like a swamp. It had lily pads, frogs and a daisy. If you pressed a small button it plays the song Jingle Bells. The frog’s mouth moves and it sounds like they are croaking the song. We decided to buy it and it was a great addition to our Christmas tree.

    My dad and I had so much fun looking at the Christmas ornaments and picking one out that we decided to make it an annual Christmas tradition. Over the last two years we have shopped together and picked out a Christmas ornament. We included my mom and brother in the tradition. This year we got a moose that has eyes that move back and forth and a singing cow ornament. This is my favorite memory because it was the start of a very special tradition. I love sharing this with my family and we enjoy looking at all the ornaments and picking out the best one for our family.

  23. A Disney Christmas
    My favorite holiday memory is 2015 christmas eve.It's my favorite holiday because it's the christmas eve when all my cousins came over to my house.On that christmas eve morning my dad made chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast.Me,my mom, and my sister watched South park.I turned on the giant christmas tree with disney ornaments,fairy lights,and disney topper.I also turned on the disney snow globe that was outside.In the afternoon my family watch a christmas story.My dad made corn bread for lunch.In the evening all my cousins came over.We chiness food like orange chicken,sweet and sour chicken,and rice.We had cookies and hot chocolate for dessert.We watched mickey mouse christmas.We opend our presents.We said thank you ad goodbye.


    My best holiday memory was a few years ago. We had cousins, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandmas, grandpas, and pets over to bake cookies. We baked all kinds of cookies like sugar cookies, chocolate chip, chocolate chip with nuts, Mexican wedding balls, etc. It was a year or two after we moved to Arizona from Louisiana. All of the kids and teens played on are new trampoline we got for Christmas. We did flips, summersaults, and we also played ring around the rosy, tag.

    At that time I had a guinea pig named Cuddles. We had a baby train that would go by itself. WE put him in the front and the rest of the zoo animals would ride in the last two cars behind him. It was a little zoo train that my parents gave me. His front little paws sit on the front and his big butt in the cart. It was too small for his whole body to fit in the cart.

    All of us spent the night at our house. My brother and sister and I slept on the ground in my room. We moved my bed into my brother room and then there was two beds in there. Two aunts slept in my brothers room. Some uncles slept in my sisters room. My grandma slept in our living room and my grandpa on the coach. My mom and dad slept in there room. Everybody else slept in the playroom.

    We moved into a on story house with no pool. When we got there, there was no grass in our backyard. My grandma already put food in the house for us. We have a lot of fun and good long lasting memories. This is a memory that will last forever. I will miss you all so much!!!!! I will never forget what great years I have had with all of you!!

  25. The cookie and the crisp
    BY Cody
    One day me and my mom were making Christmas cookies. The cookies were shaped like a oval and had apricot, cherries, and almonds in the middle, for the topping it is sprinkles on top and bottom. So one Christmas we made 24 cookies but burnt the bottom so we had to make them again. On the second batch we made them to big. On the third batch they were just right.

    On the next day me and my mom set up are Christmas tree. When I was putting decorations on it I fell and knocked down the tree and all the ornaments. When we got every thing cleaned up I went to the restroom to get a Band-Aid. On the next day I went to the store with my mom to buy something for my dad.

    The next day was Christmas eve and I for got to put up stockings and I was so freaked out I almost broke the TV. I also put one to many on the wall so I took it off. Then I was ready to sleep and wait for Christmas.

    Once I woke up I ran downstairs like a cheetah. My mom, dad, sister, brother, and dogs were at the tree already waiting for me. I had so much fun opening presents. It was my favorite Christmas ever

  26. The Trip to See the Big Red Man By : Alivia B
    Most kids see Santa at the mall or at the store, but I got to see him at his workshop. My mom, dad, little brother and I were driving up to Flagstaff, AZ with my good friend Kate's family to play in the snow and to see Santa. It took us about two hours to get to the hotel where the train is. Our room was tan with a picture of a red flower over each bed. After we unpacked, we headed out to play in the snow. I built a snow dog.

    My family and Kate's family went to dinner in the hotel before we hopped on the train. To get on the train you had to get a golden ticket in the lobby. While you waited in line there was a scanner to put your ticket under and a train would appear on a screen. Kate and I played rock-paper-scissors-shoot to pass the time. Finally, after 30 minutes, we hopped on the train to leave.
    Kate and I sat together on the train. The train was dark red with lights, and on the inside it was dark red with dark green seats. We were singing Christmas songs until we got to the North Pole. When we got to Santa's Workshop, it was snowing. His workshop was huge! It was dark candy apple red with glass windows and Christmas lights.
    The first thing we did was dress up teddy bears and make model rockets in the workshop. Next, we went to the wrapping room and threw presents into the bins to be wrapped. Then, we went to the kitchen and had snowman soup (Hot Cocoa) and cookies. Later, we went to the Elf Academy to write letters to Santa. Finally, we went to see the big man himself, Santa, to give him our letters. We hopped on the train and headed to the hotel for the night.

  27. Holiday Flashback
    By: Shaylee S

    My favorite Christmas was in South Africa. When I was six years old I went to South Africa to celebrate CHRISTMAS with my grandparents. I was so excited like a 10 year old getting a real phone. I was paking all of my things into a pink hellokitty suitcase. My sister was four years old and she was wearing her hair in pig tails and wearing crocks on her feet.

    My mom and dad told us to grab a pillow and a blanket. I grabbed a huge white pillow and a red blanket with puppies on it. So my mom, dad, sister, and I drove to the airport. We got on the airplane. On the airplane I watched the movie teenage mutant ninga turtles. It was awsome. Then I played a game that was called make a monster. All that you really do is make any monster you want it can be big or small.

    I was flying on the plane for almost 21 hours. I was sleeping for 20 hours though. it felt like 5 minutes though. Then we arrived I puked on my mom though. That was a little funny. Everything was green and a little bit of brown. The grownd was squishy. Then I got to my ganny and grampas place. They have their own bed and brekfast. The bed and brekfast is kinda like a hotel but it is when you only have your breakfast, lunch, and dinner for free.

    Anyways. I stayed or about a month. I was an awsome month though. So I unpaked. Then I had a sleepover with my 8 year old cousin well now she is 12. We watched "How the grinch stole christmas". Then we made bracelets. The next day my cousin and I went swimmimg in my grandparents pool. The water in the pool was cold as an is cube. So I ran inside and put blue fluffy slippers on and warm pink pj's on. I went into the tree house that my granny and grandpa have. It is like 90feet tall.(Not really). I went up with my 19 year old cousin chloe. She is 23 now. We both have the same B-day. April 3.

    So we ate lunch up in the tree house. The tree house had a fridge in it. Well a toy fridge. The color of the toy fridge was pink and purple. So after we had luch we went inside and played with my granpas dog toofy. He was all white with long hair and brown dots. a few days later when we left he pasted away it was really sad. Then the next day we went to the zoo. I rode an elephant an peted a LION! I went to pet the lions. One of the cubs clawed me hard on my thigh! That was very scary. But my dad pulled me out of its reach.

    Then I went back to my grannies and made some cookies for santa. They were choclate chip cookies. I also put some almond milk for santa. I went to my cousins friends house. we went on her gigantic trampoline. I litraly did a back flip and landed. Then I went to my grandpas and brushed my teeth and went to bed. Then I woke up and It was christmas. YAY! I woke my mom and dad. Me and my little sister woke everybody up and screamed " IT'S CHRISTMAS". We opened all of the presants and I got a nerf gun and a new pair of shoes. The shoes were purple at the bottom a sparkaly black at the top. My nerf gun was purple and blue. It could shoot twelve bullets. So then I paked and went home. I was also sick the whole trip. I have to go so buy.

  28. I was 6 and I was so excited for Christmas. On Christmas Eve I woke up thinking that it was 6 AM like normal tradition, but it was only 2:27 AM! I got up to wake up my brother Ronnie. He told me to go read some books in my room. So I read for 5 minutes then I took his phone off the table and played that for a few hours.

    When finally I fell asleep. I heard a noise. I tucked up in my pink and purple bed and hid. The noise was just my other brother Corey. So I went back to bed. I woke up at 6 and was so excited. It was finally Christmas day!

    I grabbed my bell woke Ronnie and off we went. I went to run down the stairs but I slipped. I fell all the way down. Then I came back up and gave Ronnie the look.

    That was the funniest Christmas ever. After that we had pancakes. They smelled like fresh dough out of the oven. We had an amazing Christmas that year.

  29. BY:HEBA
    THE weekend of
    (P.S THE T-shirt shop messed up)

    Tawas the week before Christmas and I was sitting there wonder what our Christmas weekend was going to be like. So then I wondered are we going to open our stockings on charismas eve morning or make cookies or maybe make tamales. Then a light bulb lit above my head .I said to myself why don’t I just make a list of all the things that we do on Christmas Eve day and I can put in time periods that we do. So then I got a piece of paper and started.

    1st 9:00-10;00- make tamales.2nd 10;00-11;00-make cookies.3rd .11;00-12;00-make frosting.4th 12;00-1;00-make oderments + open stockings.5th 1;00-2;00-relax.6th 2;00-3;00- GO pick up brother.7th 3;00-4;00-GO get family t-shirt.4;00-10;00pm-movie marathon 11;00-12;00-put out cookies for Santa and put presents under the tree.

    I was finally finished writhing that very long list it took me about 30min to write the whole thing and that is a lot of time for a LIST!!! .Just if you were confused for the time period -11;00-12;00 we go to sleep at the time and then that’s when we put out the cookies for Santa and we also put the presents under the tree. The reason we put our presents the tree at midnight is because my is a big family and we can’t go a second without ripping something up. If you do not know what tamales are you have not lived a life .Tamales are wrapped goodness YUM.

    I was excited for Christmas that I almost passed out. I wake up at 6; 00 on Christmas morning. I wait for my grandma and for the rest of my family. While I am waiting for my family to wake up I fix my hair. If my siblings are awake by the time I am awake we start putting the presents in groups so then we can go siblings by siblings. It just makes the morning easier.

  30. Living Ornament
    By:Michael E.

    The Christmas of 2012 was one of my most memorable Christmas'. My gray and black cat Stormy made it all that good. It was Stormy's first Christmas ever. We had only adopted him a few months before Christmas.

    When we got our tree Stormy was all over it! He would climb halfway up the tree and sit on the branch. He would also push ornaments of the tree. It was funny for me but not for my mom.

    Stormy would also drink the water from the tree. One time he got stuck in the Christmas lights. Me and my family thought he would pull the whole tree down. That was the funnest thing he did.

    When me and my family left for Christmas Eve service I was surprised the tree was still sanding when we came back. When we were done opening our presents Stormy tried to eat the paper. That Christmas was very funny. MERRY CHRISTMAS HO HO HO!!!

  31. “A Light For Christ”

    By: Briann

    On Christmas Eve every year we go to our church, Northern Hills Community Church. We get all dressed up and go to the Candle Lighting Service. Family and friends are all going to be there. People are greeting us when we get inside.
    We talk to people for a little while. Then, we sit down on these big brown chairs. The pastor comes up and prays a long prayer. He preaches about the meaning of Christmas.
    God sent his son, Jesus through a virgin. God sent Him to die on the cross for our sins. That is the meaning of Christmas. That is my favorite part of Christmas.
    The ushers give candles to everybody. They light the candles and have a moment of silence, to pray in our heads. The pastor prays and talks more about God and Jesus. We talk more and then go home.

  32. OMG! Santa Got Me a Goat!
    By: Bryndal Waldron
    One foggy Christmas Eve when I was six years old, I was sitting by the fireplace glancing at my cousins Christmas tree. Every Christmas eve our entire family would get together and have a Christmas exchange, dinner, and hot cocoa at my aunt and uncle’s house. This year I wanted to get the best present at the exchange. I also couldn’t wait to see what Santa was bringing me this year for Christmas.
    After dinner we got hot cocoa then started the Christmas exchange. I was the first person to go up to the pile of presents to pick one out. Then all the rest of my family went. At the end I had gotten the best present just like I wanted. I got a pair of blue polka dot socks, lotion, and a lot of perfume. I was so happy.
    After the Christmas Eve party, I went home and went to bed. I wore my new polka dot socks to bed. I slept really good that night. I woke up on Christmas day and then woke up my sister and my parents. We all ran into the living room to see what Santa brought. There were 2 baby goats!
    My goat was caramel colored and really cute so I named her Caramel. She was such a cute little baby goat. My sister named her goat Fuzzy. We took our goats to our cousin’s house because we went over there to eat breakfast. When we got there, it turns out that our cousins got goats too! They were pretty cute also. It was a good Christmas that I will never forget!

  33. The all you can lick Christmas
    By: Israel Thompson
    In about 2012 the day before Christmas me and my sister woke up because we heard a bark. I just said "no that can't be." So I just woke up on Christmas eve and we had brunch. Then we went to my Aunts and Uncles house to open gifts and see Santa. Then we went to the store and bought about 2 baskets full of hot chocolate and a basket full of Christmas movies. Then we went home and watched Christmas movies and drank hot chocolate. After that we went to buffalo wild wings and ate chicken wings. Then we went home and open gifts so I opened all mine. They were a puzzle, d.s, and a pair of Jordan's. But then my mom went in the closet and brought out a dog! Two days later I named her Charlie. I named her Charlie because I thought she was a boy. So that was the best Christmas ever.
