Monday, September 26, 2016

Tom Sawyer - Through Chapter 11 -

In Chapter 11 of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn walked into Injun Joe's motel room and found Injun Joe sleeping on the floor.  Your writing assignment this week is to write 3 to 4 paragraphs around what would have happened if Injun Joe had woken up and found Tom and Huck in his room ....???

5th grade style - final copy/written in your Writing Portfolio - we will share these on Thursday -
September 29th -

Think about these ideas and items you want to include in your paper;

Characters in your story (must include at least Tom, Huck, and Injun Joe)

Setting (when/where the story takes place)

A description of how the boys get into Injun Joe's room -

What wakes Injun Joe up?  Injun Joe's reaction to seeing the boys in his motel room......

Title - byline - first name, last initial -

Monday, September 19, 2016

The Sword in the Ceiling

You just returned home...
Three to four paragraphs - 5th grade style - make it intriguing - 


—the only problem is, your front door is wide open, all your lights are on and there's a sword stuck in the ceiling. The rest of your house looks normal, but you also notice several holes dug in your backyard. What's going on?

This is due by Thursday - September 22nd - so it needs to be posted by Wednesday evening - September 21st -
your final draft and edited finalized copy - neat will be in your writing portfolio - all set to go -

Your Title - and by line - first name, last initial - this is a Creative Writing Piece ... its your own creation.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Who Am I? What Matters ...

You will start this writing piece by exploring your Self - your identities, your smaller selves.  We are many things - a student, a daughter/son, grandchild, volley ball player, basketball player - big brother, sister, aunt, cousin, friend, volunteer - etc., etc.   What do you do, where do you go?  Who are You?  What matters to you?

Its healthy to understand our center part - our true selves, than our smaller selves.  We become centered and this way our identity is not one thing only - as we are many things.  If one area is going well - great!  If not, we can remember we are many things and we can laugh at the other self as it doesn't completely define us.

Who am I?  Once we get that idea that "I" is a "we" that you are made up of many small selves, the power of your personal writing will become more available to you.  The more you write, the more you become aware of your many selves.

Review your day, watch for the many roles you play - List each role carefully and deliberately -
Fill in each identity that comes to mind -

I am a girl.
I am smart.

I am a daughter of my father.
I am a sister to my sisters.
I am a family - family -

I am a teacher.
I am a student.
I am a runner.
I am a writer.

I am a ............
I am a ............

What matters to me is that --------

Title of your piece is; Who Am I?  What Matters?
then your byline

Start your piece with an epigraph -
"opening quote" that fits your piece -

Two solid paragraphs - fifth grade style.  First paragraph - talks about I am....
Second paragraph addresses - What Matters?

Start by writing and re-writing - fooling around with it - ponder.  Wait, think, sleep on it.
Then take your rough draft and peer edit - re-check your spelling, grammar - and move over to a final draft - put your final draft into your writing portfolio.  Is it neat, organized - do you have all the parts of the assignment?  Two paragraphs - COPS - thank you.  Now go to the computer and entered on our blog - The Lane Chronicles by Wednesday evening 9/14 - to share and read for Thursday.
Any assignments posted after Wednesday evening are considered late.   Be ready to share on Thursday morning.   Final Copies are to be in your nice and neat Writing Portfolios for reference.

Thank you - Ms. Lane