Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Above the Influence - #Got Your Back

Create Your Pumpkin Plan - Due; Wednesday, October 12th - Posted on the Blog - Bring your completed Pumpkin with you on Monday, October 24th - when you return from Fall Break.  All pumpkins are due by Wednesday, October 26th.

Our classroom theme for the door decoration is;

 ABOVE THE INFLUENCE  - We have discussed the following in class; 

There might come a point when you ask yourself, who am I really?  Am I being real?  Am I still the kid my parents think I am?  And more importantly, who do I want to be?

The truth is, you're a lot of things to a lot of people - think back about your writing pieces .... you are interesting like that.

There might come a point when you ask yourself, who am I really?  Am I being real?  Am I still the kid my parents think I am?  And more importantly, who do I want to be?

But, with so many versions of yourself, it's easy to forget the one thing that keeps you real - the pure-grade, original first edition of yourself.

You can be someone to look up to, and know what it feels like to get rejected.  You can be righteous in your decisions and still slip up and make mistakes.

The point is,  when you reach the moment where you have to ask yourself, who am I really?

Press Pause ... Hit reset - And remember -  you're ABOVE THE INFLUENCE.

Your assignment is to check out the web site at;

Explore it - look for a saying - a meaning - a statistic that catches your eye - something you can stand behind - create your pumpkin around that - you can paint it, color it, create a saying around it -
Be Strong - Be Creative - lots of great ideas on the site - explore, learn - create a Slogan of your Own.

When you return from Fall Break bring your completed Pumpkin with you; a Medium Size pumpkin will work best - something you can easily carry - and keep your decorations/paints - easy to work with - we will use these on our door entry.  Parents can assist and/or make one of their own to join in on the decor and theme.  Posters are also accepted.  

In the interim, please paste your saying/or theme onto the blog.  I would like your plan posted - with your posting name and a line or two to include your Pumpkin plan by Wednesday, October 12th.

All pumpkins due are due no later than - Wednesday, October 26th,
we will have a classroom contest for Best Pumpkin - Most Creative, Best Slogan, and a few more categories.  

I have created a sample posting for you - in the comments - Enjoy!  Ms. Lane


  1. Hi - its Ms. L and my plan is to go with my grandkids to the store, and to paint my pumpkin - and my theme will be .....

    1. I plan to paint my whole pumpkin white and then will use orange and black markers for details - I try new thing but not the kind that change me!

  2. Hi Ms. Lane, my theme is Be Yourself. I plan to goto a store and buy a medium size pumpkin. I plan to paint it like a basketball player, one of the things I am. - Rees

  3. Hi MS.Lane, my theme is GOODBYE to drinking, smoking, and drugs. I plan to paint on ghosts, lions, tigers, and bears.-Jilly

  4. The heat’s on–the pressure is all around you, but you’re dealing with it. Hay its LUWE, or Johnny, but i took the test and that is the thing that came out

  5. I am going to do a fake pumpkin with two skeletons with a black tree and fake grass and put a R.I.P. sign with drug bottles on the R.I.P sign then I am going to put a sign on a skeletons body and it will saying "Don't drink alcohol it will end you".

  6. Hi Ms. Lane my theme is DONT smoke and you wont have a stroke. I plan on make a cross sign on a smoke and paint it red, orange, white and black. Steven Hannum.

  7. Hi Ms. L, this is Faith F. My plan is to go to the store and get a medium size pumpkin. I plan to paint cool designs on my pumpkin and paint my quote in the middle. My quote is, " No one has ever ever become a better person being an drugs." -Faith

  8. Its atti Im thinking of having to say don't do drugs or esles you will look like this a arrow pointing at a skeleton

  9. My theme is "IT ROCKS NOT TO DO DRUGS". I will be doing a rock star pumpkin with crazy hair , a lot of makeup ,and a stage with lights and my quote. - Livie

  10. My theme is party theme and my quote is if you can party hard above the influence by all means continue and will buy a pumpkin and put a part hat on the pumpkin and some glitter and i will hot glue a noisemaker to its mouth so it lots like it is at a party and i will add some crazy hair.


  11. Hi Ms. Lane this is Cj. My quote is "Don’t be anyone but you. Never follow the influence of anyone but yourself". My plan is to get a red wig and crazy eyes.

  12. Hi its Natalie my theme is " Stay calm and Be Above the Influence". What I'm going get is a medium size pumpkin then paint a red and pink color and trace the words first then paint
    then let it dry and put a crown on top if I have one.

  13. Hi my theme is " Stay Calm and Be Above The Influence". My medium size pumpkin will be trace with the words first the paint the words white and the outside is a red and pink mixed together then I will put a crown on top if I have one.

  14. Hi this is Delani I am going to dress up a pumpkin as a boxer and use the quote "Doing drugs is a knockout."

  15. My pumpkin is going to be pink with a cowboy hat and boots. My quote is going to be pony up try new things and be your self with a barrel racing horse in the back round.

  16. Hi Ms.l My idea for my pumpkin is to do a drug looking pumpkin and have "hugs not drugs" on my pumpkin.

  17. Hi this is Elizabeth.My theme is Don't do drugs kid cause someone really cares about you.I'm going to do a skeleton with a blue hoodie and one glowing blue eye.

  18. Hi this is Kaisha and I'm doing a skeleton and the quote is "You where given this life because you're strong enough to life it."

    1. Strong enough to live it! Excellent - Ms. Lane

    2. Hey Kaisha its Natalie G. Your best friend.

  19. hello this is Michael my theme is "You Will Homer Sober". I will make my pumpkin look like Javier Baez my favorite baseball player.

    1. Homer Sober - Good1 Mikey - loved it! Ms. Lane

  20. Hello everyone how has it been since I was gone- Natalie G.
