Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Your Favorite Holiday Story
AS discussed and reviewed in class - favorite holiday stories, memories ....
What was that? Author, Harper Lee, uses her 10 year old voice (Scout) in To Kill a Mockingbird - she pulls from her memories ....
WE all have a favorite time/space around the holiday - our best time. We want to share in vivid details - to let our reader know what happened - what color, what kind, how - where, when - what about it - DESCRIBE in a new way - your story - let us know exactly about that Chocolate Chip Cookie, Trampoline - ticket to pancakes - employ your five senses - (makes it easy!)
Have fun! Its a great memory - tell us all about it! Don't miss the DETAILS - draw pictures with your words - help us see it, smell it, feel it!
Title - byline (CATCHY TITLE) with byline (no last names)
Minimum of four paragraphs (4 to 5 sentences each) - spelling, grammar (conventions count)
Editing Sheet - draft/review/draft review - have hard copy complete before going to computer -
Story PLANS/for story idea posted on blog by Friday - December 9th -
Final Drafts due - and posted with editing sheet attached by next Thursday, December 15th.
Monday, November 7, 2016
Book Reviews
Your Book Review ~
As discussed and reviewed in class - Post your book choice, author, page count, what the book is about and what caught your eye around it by Wednesday, November 9th - please have your book with you starting Wednesday, November 9th - we can discuss it - and it will also be handy for reading ...
Your book review is due Wednesday, November 30th - as listed on your guidelines - with all writing postings and listings - it is expected that you follow our classroom etiquette and expectations. A hard copy with an editing sheet is to be filed in your Writing Portfolio prior to any postings on the blog. Your rough draft and editing tools are there for your success. You may also feel free to bring Ms. Lane your rough draft and editing sheet if you would like to do so.
Remember, Ms. Lane is at school Monday through Thursdays and has an open lab for questions, review or quiet time in the classroom - from 3:45 to 4:15 -
If you choose to post a question, plan on a two day return time before the answer is posted.
Happy Reading!
Here are some tips to get you started:
Make sure you have read the WHOLE book before you start your review.
Include a short summary of the book, but don't give away the good parts!
Include some background information on the author. You can usually find a bio inside the front or back cover of the book. You can also go online to find information. Just remember to be accurate. If you have any chance of interviewing the author - go for it - contact information may be in the book or online or someone who works with them with respond to you.
Mention what kind of book it is - fiction or nonfiction, a book with pictures and/or photographs or illustration, how many pages, etc.
Be specifice about whatyou like or don't like about the book. Give examples like, "The author brings the streets of London to life with his vivid descriptions," or The author tries to be funny in some areas, but I didn't think some of it was in good taste.
Have a friend or family member read it over - edit - do they have any questions about the book that you didn't answer? Add it to your review ... re-read. File in your Writing Portfolio with your editing sheet. Thank you, Ms. Lane
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Above the Influence - #Got Your Back
Create Your Pumpkin Plan - Due; Wednesday, October 12th - Posted on the Blog - Bring your completed Pumpkin with you on Monday, October 24th - when you return from Fall Break. All pumpkins are due by Wednesday, October 26th.
Our classroom theme for the door decoration is;
ABOVE THE INFLUENCE - We have discussed the following in class;
There might come a point when you ask yourself, who am I really? Am I being real? Am I still the kid my parents think I am? And more importantly, who do I want to be?
The truth is, you're a lot of things to a lot of people - think back about your writing pieces .... you are interesting like that.
There might come a point when you ask yourself, who am I really? Am I being real? Am I still the kid my parents think I am? And more importantly, who do I want to be?
But, with so many versions of yourself, it's easy to forget the one thing that keeps you real - the pure-grade, original first edition of yourself.
You can be someone to look up to, and know what it feels like to get rejected. You can be righteous in your decisions and still slip up and make mistakes.
The point is, when you reach the moment where you have to ask yourself, who am I really?
Press Pause ... Hit reset - And remember - you're ABOVE THE INFLUENCE.
Your assignment is to check out the web site at;
Explore it - look for a saying - a meaning - a statistic that catches your eye - something you can stand behind - create your pumpkin around that - you can paint it, color it, create a saying around it -
Be Strong - Be Creative - lots of great ideas on the site - explore, learn - create a Slogan of your Own.
When you return from Fall Break bring your completed Pumpkin with you; a Medium Size pumpkin will work best - something you can easily carry - and keep your decorations/paints - easy to work with - we will use these on our door entry. Parents can assist and/or make one of their own to join in on the decor and theme. Posters are also accepted.
In the interim, please paste your saying/or theme onto the blog. I would like your plan posted - with your posting name and a line or two to include your Pumpkin plan by Wednesday, October 12th.
All pumpkins due are due no later than - Wednesday, October 26th,
we will have a classroom contest for Best Pumpkin - Most Creative, Best Slogan, and a few more categories.
I have created a sample posting for you - in the comments - Enjoy! Ms. Lane
Monday, September 26, 2016
Tom Sawyer - Through Chapter 11 -
In Chapter 11 of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn walked into Injun Joe's motel room and found Injun Joe sleeping on the floor. Your writing assignment this week is to write 3 to 4 paragraphs around what would have happened if Injun Joe had woken up and found Tom and Huck in his room ....???
5th grade style - final copy/written in your Writing Portfolio - we will share these on Thursday -
September 29th -
Think about these ideas and items you want to include in your paper;
Characters in your story (must include at least Tom, Huck, and Injun Joe)
Setting (when/where the story takes place)
A description of how the boys get into Injun Joe's room -
What wakes Injun Joe up? Injun Joe's reaction to seeing the boys in his motel room......
Title - byline - first name, last initial -
Monday, September 19, 2016
The Sword in the Ceiling
You just returned home...
Three to four paragraphs - 5th grade style - make it intriguing -
—the only problem is, your front door is wide open, all your lights are on and there's a sword stuck in the ceiling. The rest of your house looks normal, but you also notice several holes dug in your backyard. What's going on?
This is due by Thursday - September 22nd - so it needs to be posted by Wednesday evening - September 21st -
your final draft and edited finalized copy - neat will be in your writing portfolio - all set to go -
Your Title - and by line - first name, last initial - this is a Creative Writing Piece ... its your own creation.
Monday, September 12, 2016
Who Am I? What Matters ...
You will start this writing piece by exploring your Self - your identities, your smaller selves. We are many things - a student, a daughter/son, grandchild, volley ball player, basketball player - big brother, sister, aunt, cousin, friend, volunteer - etc., etc. What do you do, where do you go? Who are You? What matters to you?
Its healthy to understand our center part - our true selves, than our smaller selves. We become centered and this way our identity is not one thing only - as we are many things. If one area is going well - great! If not, we can remember we are many things and we can laugh at the other self as it doesn't completely define us.
Who am I? Once we get that idea that "I" is a "we" that you are made up of many small selves, the power of your personal writing will become more available to you. The more you write, the more you become aware of your many selves.
Review your day, watch for the many roles you play - List each role carefully and deliberately -
Fill in each identity that comes to mind -
I am a girl.
I am smart.
I am a daughter of my father.
I am a sister to my sisters.
I am a family - family -
I am a teacher.
I am a student.
I am a runner.
I am a writer.
I am a ............
I am a ............
What matters to me is that --------
Title of your piece is; Who Am I? What Matters?
then your byline
Start your piece with an epigraph -
"opening quote" that fits your piece -
Two solid paragraphs - fifth grade style. First paragraph - talks about I am....
Second paragraph addresses - What Matters?
Start by writing and re-writing - fooling around with it - ponder. Wait, think, sleep on it.
Then take your rough draft and peer edit - re-check your spelling, grammar - and move over to a final draft - put your final draft into your writing portfolio. Is it neat, organized - do you have all the parts of the assignment? Two paragraphs - COPS - thank you. Now go to the computer and entered on our blog - The Lane Chronicles by Wednesday evening 9/14 - to share and read for Thursday.
Any assignments posted after Wednesday evening are considered late. Be ready to share on Thursday morning. Final Copies are to be in your nice and neat Writing Portfolios for reference.
Thank you - Ms. Lane
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Art ~ Power of Personal Expression
Sample The Lorax (Title)
By Jennifer D. (byline)
Art - Paint ~ Express ~ Explore what is within us;
All students are creating a masterpiece to reflect their personal selves. The medium is water colors and acrylics. Working from our imaginations we create paintings that express a thought, vision, desire, a part of our reality.
Paintings will be displayed in the halls and we will write a paragraph to express our paintings. A paragraph includes 5 to 7 lines. Our writing piece will begin with an Epigraph that further demonstrates our thoughts. Your Title and Byline - Name your Painting - Relative image to quote - Per Mr. Moreno - and Fifth Grade Style.
The Lorax
by Jennifer D.
"one thought, might be a Dr. Seuss quote..." - Dr. Seuss
A paragraph around why you painted - what prompted the painting? Why and What specifically did you like about it? Why did you choose this? What does it represent? What would you like for the viewer to know.... What is BEHIND it?
By Jennifer D. (byline)
Art - Paint ~ Express ~ Explore what is within us;
All students are creating a masterpiece to reflect their personal selves. The medium is water colors and acrylics. Working from our imaginations we create paintings that express a thought, vision, desire, a part of our reality.
Paintings will be displayed in the halls and we will write a paragraph to express our paintings. A paragraph includes 5 to 7 lines. Our writing piece will begin with an Epigraph that further demonstrates our thoughts. Your Title and Byline - Name your Painting - Relative image to quote - Per Mr. Moreno - and Fifth Grade Style.
The Lorax
by Jennifer D.
"one thought, might be a Dr. Seuss quote..." - Dr. Seuss
A paragraph around why you painted - what prompted the painting? Why and What specifically did you like about it? Why did you choose this? What does it represent? What would you like for the viewer to know.... What is BEHIND it?
Writing #2
Word Photos
Creative Writing ~ Explore the Power of Personal Expression
As you work on writing in your journal, you are working on both your seeing and saying. As you write to say what you see, you will begin to understand more - so you will have more to say, which in turn will lead to more seeing.
In a way, you will use your words as a photographer uses a camera - you will become more alert, see more. There is a potential picture everywhere. There is meaning in everything. You will experience more fully.
Now, sit down with your journal and begin the Writing Process -
Review your day, look for those small moments that get 'captured' in your mind....
Now write in your journal - those seemingly nothings are most powerful.
Remember what we spoke about in class...
Do not explain - just see it fully with your words - stay grounded in the five senses -
How did it look, feel, smell, taste, sound? See it in new ways, from other perspectives, from another angle. Move it around with words - Then - in our journals, we may start by using lots of words - searching, wondering, poking around - trying to see what is there.
We play with images - and metaphors, personification - literary devices - to see what fits - then we tighten and focus -
Your first photos will include 150 to 200 words - take them, then - like a camera - tighten and focus.
Eliminate busy words and replace with meaningful words - draw a picture - a photo - FREEZE FRAME - SNAP SHOT of that moment - you are the photographer.
Remember Dog - SHOW US WITH WORDS - reduce your photos to approximately 75 words each.
Now, fine tune, edit - check again, and write down your final piece with two word photos all on one page - each has a title - there is no epigraph for this writing piece - just two titles - and bylines.
Put your final piece in your writing portfolio - then go to our blog and type in your final pieces -
Sample as follows;
The Flower
by Student L.
In a field, a perfect day. Bright blue sky, deep green grass. One flower is spotted as it smiles in the velvety emerald pasture. Its bright yellow pedals, blowing in the wind. Back and forth, back and forth, with a dancing rhythm to it. Its strong pole like, green stem is holding it down. The wild green leaves all around it. As you look closer, the red and pink at the very center show within the yellow, blended well. The beauty of it glows.
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Hello Again - I invite you to our first post - our;
"Where are You From?" Creative Writing Exploration as our first entry in our Portfolios.
We will start with our Title and byline - (no last names, only initials)
Next our Epigraph - that reflects your writing piece. To follow with our Where are You From? share.
We will explore our past (which is always present and within us), looking at our beginnings... We are working on telling our stories, which we must do in order to learn from them and to also, learn more about us.
Begin by opening your journal and getting quiet and receptive.
*Consider this common question: Where are You From? It is a question we are often asked, and we usually answer with a word or two - New York, Connecticut or Michigan. But your CHALLENGE here is to answer it with a series of images, pictures and memories.
Start by writing - just making a list of sentences -
I am from....
I am from...
I am from ...
(as discussed and demonstrated in class)
Complete each sentence with an image or memory or moment from your life. Explore the question fully and freely. Answer the question with images of place, land, the neighborhood. Answer the question with images of family, ancestry and history.
To explore this question is to explore many things - your beginnings - your connections, your joys and struggles - the mystery and wonder of your life.
Now, refine these sentences - make them strong and true and grounded - weave images together in the form of a poem or story. Just weave together images from all facets of your life -
Writing Process - Rough Draft - imagine - play with it - create your masterpiece
Sleep on it - go back - embellish, add, revise - Rough Draft
Re-read your paper - do you like it? Start to edit - any corrections that need to be made? Is it 5th grade style? COPS - Have someone else read it - be open to suggestions - corrections. Make them if need be.
Now, sit down and write your final hard copy - put it in your writing folder. Take your completed piece to the computer and post and share on our writing blog.
Post up with your Title, Byline and Epigraphs - Happy Writing!
Keep your Final Hard Copy in your Writing Portfolios - Thank you, Thank you - Ms. Lane
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Student Introductions - Due Thursday, August 25th

Thank you for visiting and participating Lane's Chronicles -
In the comment area - students will provide a paragraph or two of introduction along with
answers to a couple of questions.
1) Introduction
2) What do you most like about Ridgeline?
3) If I made you Principal - what would you change?
4) What are you most proud of?
Please post in 5th Grade Style - no last names - first names, initials to last names to be followed by a nickname if you would like.
Students photos will go up and online - if your child does not have a media release on file with the office and you would like for their photos to be included on the blog and for media - please call the front office and make arrangements to clear for posting.
A previous classroom school blog with students writing pieces can be found at
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Tuesday, August 23rd - SAY HELLO
Hello Fifth-Graders - Lane Class -
For your computer homework tonight - you will log on and say Hello - again, no last names - only first names/nick names -
or first name with last name initial. Sample of last writing blog at;
Have fun - just say hello - Enjoy!
We will post paragraphs and stories starting this next week - thank you! Ms. Lane
For your computer homework tonight - you will log on and say Hello - again, no last names - only first names/nick names -
or first name with last name initial. Sample of last writing blog at;
Have fun - just say hello - Enjoy!
We will post paragraphs and stories starting this next week - thank you! Ms. Lane
Hello and Welcome to The Lane Chronicles
Hello, my name is Ms. Lane and I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself as I will be your child's teacher this school year. I am looking forward to getting to know your child and working directly with him/her in the classroom. Together we will further facilitate his/her exploration, learning, and discoveries.
Our Lane Chronicles Blog has been created for students to share their writing pieces. Students will concentrate on narrative, expository, persuasive and technical writing. Students will explore the power of personal expression as we tap into our creative writing side utilizing the Six Traits of Writing; Ideas and Content, Organization, Voice, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency and Conventions.
All writers, journalers and storytellers will report and learn about the 5 W's and H of Journalism, interviewing, photo captions and news story writing. We will be submitting news story adventures and photos to local newspapers for consideration. We will create a Writing Portfolio that will further demonstrate these expanding skills.
News Stories work best with photos - jpeg files to be e-mailed to - Three or four of your favorite photos is best to send around an event or story. As always, feel free to send me any questions or comments to my e-mail, or phone line at Ridgeline Academy.
Visit more stories at
Thank you, Ms. Lane
Our Lane Chronicles Blog has been created for students to share their writing pieces. Students will concentrate on narrative, expository, persuasive and technical writing. Students will explore the power of personal expression as we tap into our creative writing side utilizing the Six Traits of Writing; Ideas and Content, Organization, Voice, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency and Conventions.
All writers, journalers and storytellers will report and learn about the 5 W's and H of Journalism, interviewing, photo captions and news story writing. We will be submitting news story adventures and photos to local newspapers for consideration. We will create a Writing Portfolio that will further demonstrate these expanding skills.
News Stories work best with photos - jpeg files to be e-mailed to - Three or four of your favorite photos is best to send around an event or story. As always, feel free to send me any questions or comments to my e-mail, or phone line at Ridgeline Academy.
Visit more stories at
Thank you, Ms. Lane
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