Thursday, August 25, 2016

Hello Again - I invite you to our first  post - our;
 "Where are You From?" Creative Writing Exploration as our first entry in our Portfolios.

We will start with our Title and byline - (no last names, only initials)

Next our Epigraph - that reflects your writing piece.  To follow with our Where are You From? share.

We will explore our past (which is always present and within us), looking at our beginnings...  We are working on telling our stories, which we must do in order to learn from them and to also, learn more about us.

Begin by opening your journal and getting quiet and receptive.

*Consider this common question:  Where are You From?  It is a question we are often asked, and we usually answer with a word or two - New York, Connecticut or Michigan.  But your CHALLENGE here is to answer it with a series of images, pictures and memories.

Start by writing - just making a list of sentences -

I am from....
I am from...
I am from ...

(as discussed and demonstrated in class)

Complete each sentence with an image or memory or moment from your life.  Explore the question fully and freely.  Answer the question with images of place, land, the neighborhood.  Answer the question with images of family, ancestry and history.

To explore this question is to explore many things - your beginnings - your connections, your joys and struggles - the mystery and wonder of your life.

Now, refine these sentences - make them strong and true and grounded - weave images together in the form of a poem or story.  Just weave together images from all facets of your life -

Writing Process - Rough Draft - imagine - play with it - create your masterpiece
Sleep on it - go back - embellish, add, revise - Rough Draft

Re-read your paper -  do you like it?  Start to edit - any corrections that need to be made?  Is it 5th grade style?  COPS - Have someone else read it - be open to suggestions - corrections. Make them if need be.

Now, sit down and write your final hard copy - put it in your writing folder.  Take your completed piece to the computer and post and share on our writing blog.

Post up with your Title, Byline and Epigraphs - Happy Writing!

Keep your Final Hard Copy in your Writing Portfolios - Thank you, Thank you - Ms. Lane


  1. Title
    by Ms. Lane

    "Epigraph" - Ms. Lane

    I am from ....
    I am from ...
    I am from ...

    14 to 17 lines - 5th grade style


    "Success isn't given. It's earned. On the track,on the field,in the gym. With the blood,sweat,and the occasional tear"-NIKE

    I am from the place where the sun never rests.
    I am from the crack of the bat.
    I am from the school painted orange and blue.
    I am from a place of worship.
    I am from a family of the lord.
    I am from the green grass of the diamond.
    I am from the red laced ball in my leather mitt.
    I am from a carved stick which tells a story.
    I am from the endless ivy 400 feet from home.
    I am from the wooden cross with three nails.
    I am from the spiral star clump in space.
    I am from the place I love.
    I am from Phoenix,Arizona.

    "Power Through"-Billy Horton

    1. My reply would look like this;
      Go to their "I am From" writing piece and reply there.

      Find two "I am From" to respond to;
      - Identify yourself - Hi Mikey, its Ms. Lane
      Two comments -
      The first comment is around something that you liked, be specific - such as; I like the way you mention the crack of the bat, I could hear it when I read it. One thing you might do differently is talk more about what you love in your sentence that says; I am from the place I love. You could say I am from the warm loving home that I love so much.

    2. - Steven
      I like how you exaggerated about the endless ivy 400 feet away from home.

      I don't understand what you mean by a carved stick which tells story's.


    ( Life is a journey )

    I am from the sweat sandy beach in Mexico.
    I am from high in the sky Mountain Rim.
    I am from the hot dry desert in Arizona.
    I am from the neighborhood from kindness from friends.
    I am from the sweet and long generation of family.
    I am from the wet swampland from Louisiana.
    I am from the sweet salty water on the Mississippi river.
    I am from the cold icy place were we call it Chicago.
    I am from the craft lady we call my mom.
    I am from the wind blowing in my hair which we call it camping.
    I am from the family with two amazing siblings.
    I am from the green grass my school shows.
    I am from the dad who taught me how to have kindness.
    I am from the classroom with the best teacher ever.
    I am from a loving world!!

    1. I like how you use generation in one of the I am from.
      Maybe add a little detail like who is your teacher.-Liz

    2. Hi Faith, this is Kaisha, I agree that in this classroom we have the best teacher. Maybe you can say, I am from high in the blue sky Mountain Rim.

    3. I like your I am from a lot but you don't tell us were our really from. You told us were you been to but not were your from.You can be from anywhere you told us about.-Israel (grunkface)

    4. I like how you name all the places you went.
      I think you should name the mountain rim because it could be a mountain rim in a different state. -livie

  4. Where I'm from
    By Kaisha H.

    I am from a rocky desert.
    I am from a blue and orange uniform school.
    I am from a beautiful city called Phoenix, Arizona.
    I am from a block survival game called Minecraft.
    I am a white Maltese and poodle dog.
    I am from a color of bright paint.
    I am the hears of the oceans.
    I am from the laughter of funny things.
    I am from a blue box of dolls.
    I am from a PinkSheep YouTuber.
    I am from a school with the best teacher.
    I am from a family with a loving heart.

    "Nothing will work unless you do." - Kaisha

    1. I like how you said block survival game called MINECRAFT.

    2. Hi its Natalie Im going to say a COMPLEMENT,I like how you said block survival games called MINECAFT.

    3. Hey Kittens this is Daniela (Queen D.) I like how you told us what type of dog not just dog.But in I am from a color of bright paint what color red,orange,yellow,green,blue etc.

  5. My life story
    by Jenna D.
    "To be doing good deeds is man's most glorious task"
    - Sophocles
    I am from the soul of a shiny diamond
    I am from the dust swiftly swirling in the air
    I am from a brave kind
    I am from two loving brothers
    I am from the cold ice of the ice rink
    I am from the heat of the desert
    I am from the brains of Einstien
    I am from the smell of cookies
    I am from the swiftness of a cheetah
    I am from the laughter of a clown
    I am from the long nights at the hospital
    I am from the song of the birds
    I am from the robin hooded arrow on the X
    I am from the Christmas Eve tradition
    I am from the loud bangs of the storm
    I am from the comfort of a dog
    I am from Phoenix Arizona

    1. I love how you said you are brave and kind. So I would say brave and kind as a lion hunting for food.

    2. Bryndal W.
      I like that you said that you are from the soul of a shiny diamond it is very detailed.Maybe next time you could say what kind of dog you are from.

    3. Hello Jenna, I hate to bring this up but maybe on the cookies part tell us what they look like or taste like. I loved the cookies part even though I said a couple of things about it. So if you didn't already know this is just a reminder.

    4. Hi this is Breezy. I like that you put I am from the soul of a shinny diamond. I think you can add more detail like when you said I am from the long nights at the hospital. You can say why you were in the hospital.

    5. Hi Jenna, its Kaisha. I love that you put, I am from the loud bangs of the storm. Maybe tell what dog it is and what type of cookies.

  6. Who I am by: Kassia
    "life is short so live it like there is no tomorrow"

    I am from polish food.

    I am from being on the beach with my Aunt.

    I am from Slovakia and Poland.

    I am from Adam and Eve.

    I am from bows in my hair on my first Christmas.

    I am from my grandma and grandpa and my mom.

    I am from sun blond hair.

    I am from losing my tooth to my taco bell cheese roll up.

    I am from my rose garden.

    I am from the kind heart of my grandma.

    I am from my pretty as a peach great-grandmother.

    I am from the Milky way.

    I am from Earth.

    I am from the U.S.A.

    I am from Arizona.

    "live life till you die happy"

    No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.
    I am from a runner and a walker.
    I am from a loving family.
    I am from the burning hot desert.
    I am from the cross country team.
    I am from the pine smell on Christmas,
    I am from the sandy beaches in California.
    I am from fighters and winners.
    I am from the pages in a book.
    I am from the delicious food at Thanksgiving.
    I am from the wind that runs though my hair as I run.
    I am from the laughter from a clown.
    I am from the long rainy nights.
    I am from a strong group of runners.
    I am from the sunny days at the playgroud.
    I am from the classroom that I learn in.
    I am from Phoenix Arizona.

    1. Hi this is Breezy. I like that you put, I am from a strong group of runners. One thing that you could add is more detail. Good job Heba.

    2. Hi it's Arthur I like how your very descriptive in your I am from. You need to say which cross country team.

    3. Hi this is Cody
      One thing I like about this is that you said " I am from the long rainy nights" that really made me happy
      The one thing you could of done is add " I am from a runner and walker family. You did well Heba good job.

  8. I am
    by: Shaylee s.

    1. I am from fluffy gray and white cats.

    2. I am from a goofy kind sister.

    3. I am from a school with dark blue and light orange uniforms.

    4. I am from my loving and caring mom and dad.

    5. I am from a deadly sport called archery.

    6. I am from the soft gray sand going over my toes.

    7. I am from chocolate ice-cream in a cone dripping off of my chin.

    8.I am from swimming at the anthem community water park.

    9.I am from brown short hair flowing in the wind.

    10.I am from body boarding in the ocean waves in San Diego.

    11. I am from a school that is in the middle of the desert.

    12. I am from a lot of kind friends.

    13.I am from a friendly teacher who is sweet and generous.

    14. I am from a very funny an hilarious dog.

    15.I am from Phoenix, Arizona. - shay shay

    1. Bryndal W.

      Shaylee, I love how you said that ice cream was dripping from your chin it is very detailed I can picture in my mind.Maybe next time your title can be a little more detailed.

    2. Rees is in the house!! I think you didn't have to put the numbers an you could add the quote into your paragraph. I like how you put I am from chocolate ice-cream in a cone dripping off my chin.

    3. Hi shay shay this is niffer. I love the way that you used big words like generous, hilarious, community an so on. If I were you instead of dog I would put more examples like hilarious black and white German Shepard.

    4. I like everything you wrote but what kind of dog?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    5. I like all the details you added to ice cream part.
      Maybe in the dog part of it add a little detail like what dose your dog look like.-Liz

    6. Hi this is Israel
      Shaylee i like how you made a picture in my mind but you could have added your quotes with your I am from instead of apart from it.

    7. i like it but weres your quote

    8. Hi Shaylee, this is Jilly
      I like how how I could make a picture in my mind reading your story.
      When you are doing this the numbers are not necessary an example is...
      (1) I am from...
      (2)I am from...
      IT is not needed so for a heads up for next time just use my example :) (witch is right down below)
      I am from...
      I am from...
      I am from...

  9. "The most important thing in life is to enjoy your life-to be happy it's all that matters"- Budha

  10. I Am From
    by Delani D.

    "We do not remember days, we remember moments" - Ceasre Pavese

    I am from Phoenix, Arizona,
    I am from a loving family,
    I am from the middle of the desert,
    I am from the spring when flowers bloom,
    I am from the ocean waves crashing,
    I am from a school painted orange and blue,
    I am from my amazing friends,
    I am from a green and blue planet that I live on,
    I am from a person that saves lives,
    I am from the shells in the sand,
    I am from needles on a cactus,
    I am from a nation of red, white and blue,
    I am from the smell of wood burning,
    I am from the season that rain falls,
    I am from the place that I love!

    1. I love all the details and the the line " I am from a person that saves lives. "
      I think that you forgot the last line " I am from Phoenix, Arizona." - Livie

  11. All About Queen D. by: Daniela DeMarco

    "Life is like riding a bicycle to keep your balance, you must keep
    moving" - Albert Einstein

    I am the mind of God.

    I am from the love and care in my friends.

    I am from a cheerful happy squad of girls called: Girl Scouts.

    I am from the first light of Sunday morning.

    I am from the smell of fresh Italian bread.

    I am from a bright school you can see about nine miles away.

    I am from the silkiness of straight long brown hair.

    I am from the beautiful brown eyes of my mom.

    I am from the smell of fresh red roses.

    I am from the dirt and dust of the desert.

    I am from the city named after the mythical bird; Phoenix.

    I am from the year of the dog; 2006.

    I am from the scary month of Halloween.

    I am from Phoenix, Arizona!!

    1. Hello this is Mikey. I like how you mention God!!!!
      I don't know or saw this but you forgot to put "from" in; "I am the mind of God".- Mikey

    2. Hi this is Breezy. I like that you added detail. One thing that you for got to do was add the from in I am the mind of God.-Breezy

    3. Hi this is Cody
      I mostly liked it but 1 thing you could of done is put them a little more together but you did well

  12. All About Queen D. By: Daniela D.

    "Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance you must keep

    moving". - Albert Einstein

    I am from the mind of God.

    I am from the love and care in my friends.

    I am from a cheerful, happy squad of girls called Girl Scouts.

    I am from the first light of Sunday morning.

    I am from the smell of fresh Italian bread.

    I am from a bright school you can see about nine miles away.

    I am from the silkiness of straight long brown hair.

    I am from the beautiful brown eyes of my mom.

    I am from the smell of fresh red roses.

    I am from the dirt and dust of the desert.

    I am from the city named after the mythical bird; Phoenix.

    I am from the year of the dog; 2006.

    I am from the scary month of Halloween.

    I am from Phoenix, Arizona!!

    1. Rees is in the house!! I like your quote mainly because it is Albert Einstein, but there are a billion other reasons too. I think you could describe how the month of halloween is scary.

    2. I love your quote because Albert Einstenin wrote could be a litte more detailed about the scary months of halloween.

  13. I'm from
    by Liz(Elizabeth)
    Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fools, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor. - Liz
    I'm from the love of my family.
    I'm from smiles of my amazing friends.
    I'm from the fur of my animals.
    I'm from the coldness of a snowy forest.
    I'm from the light from my computer.
    I'm from the green of cacti from a desert.
    I'm from the softness of a teddy bear.
    I'm from the voice of vocaloid.
    I'm from the tip of a pencil.
    I'm from a paper that sits on a snowy white desk.
    I'm from Phoenix, Arizona.
    Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them.

    1. Hello i like your quote. I'm don't know if you saw this but you did not put quotation marks on your quotes.- Mikey

    2. Hi it's Arthur I like how your descriptive. You need to say which animals they are like a lion or a puppy.

  14. Things that made me, by-Arthur m. I am from the thick walls of my home sweet home. I am from the helpful food,drinks, and items at the stores. I am from the soft,fluffy, and adorable kitty cats (four cats). I am from the soft and wet grass field at my cool school.

    I am from my nice,cool, and amazing teacher and friends. I am from the stiff walls and the fun activities of my school. I am from the nice,cool, and swimable pool water. I am from the cool,fun, and playable video games like lego star wars. I am from the cool and fun Peter Piper arcade games like four player pac-man.

    I am from the fun and long rides at Disneyland. I am from the long and short roller coasters at castles and coasters. I am from the long and fun comic-con in Arizona. I am from the nice and cool breeze of the amazing outdoors. I am from the fun and sometimes hot playground near my own house.

    Thank you for listening.

    1. hi this is Breezy. I like that you put, I am from the thick walls of my home sweet home. one thing you could do is make rows. It makes it look nicer.

    2. Hi Arthur this is Holden T. What I liked about your story was you used creative writing in your sentences.

      What you could of changed was your second sentence because you did not tell what kinds of food or drinks.


  15. I AM FROM...

    In the desert there is no sign that says, Thou shalt not eat stones. — Sufi proverb

    I am from the cactus that sit in the desert.
    I am from the snakes that slither in the sandy desert.
    I am from the feet that start to run when the whistle blows.
    I am from the sun that burns the ground.
    I am from the hot and dry desert of Arizona.
    I am from the pretty hikes of Sedona.
    I am from the cold snowy parts of Colorado.
    I am from the waves that wash on the beautiful shore of California.
    I am from the dog that barks at the vacuum.
    I am from the blanket that comforts me when I sleep.
    I am from the church that worships God.
    I am from the God that created you, me, and everything.

    1. WHO are you, but I like you story-NATALIE

    2. Hi Breezy this is niffer I really like your sentence structure, but maybe instead of cactus I would putt big green cactus.

  16. Summer by Alivia B

    "The more you dream, the farther you get." Michael Phelps

    I am from the sweet smell of cupcakes.

    I am from woofs and tails.

    I am from miles in the sky.

    I am from sand between my toes.

    I am from friends by my side.

    I am from amazing sleepovers .

    I am from family game night.

    I am from a soft bed.

    I am from daydreams at night.

    I am from a hero's heart.

    I am from a loving family.

    I am from dusty deserts.

    I am from red rocks.

    I am from dust devils.

    I am from Phoenix,Arizona.

    1. Hi Alivia I like how you used a Michael Phelps quote he is one of my favorite swimmers. I think that you could tell where the red rocks are from because they could be anywhere. -Delani

    2. its atti i like that when its say the more you dream you go farther

    3. I love the details and every thing, but I would maybe put no spaces before each sentence.

    4. Nice job saying woofs and tails to descride a dog but maybe you could describe what kind of daydreams you have.

    5. Hi Livie, this is Jilly
      Nice job using an onomatopoeia (woof) in your sentence.
      When you say dust devils what do you mean? I would say like I am from the dust devils in the plain dry, desert.

  17. Many Places Many Memories By: Holden T.

    “Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.”
    -Carl Sagan

    I am from the hot sandy beaches in Mexico. I am from the hot and dry desert of Arizona. I am from the Bay of Islands in New Zealand. I am the windy city of Chicago. I am from the volcanic Island of Hawaii. I am from the cold North side of the Grand Canyon. I am from the hot and sandy part of Glamis. I am from the wet and sandy part of Idaho. I am from the huge sandy dunes in Glamis. I am from the cold mountains and wet area of Colorado. I am from the lush and green area of Missouri. I am from the hot bubbling gysers in Montana. These are the places that make me who I am

    1. Hi Holden, this is Faith.
      I love how you put different places were you are from in your " I am From " story.what you could do maybe instead of putting it into a paragraph you could space your sentences out more than putting them all in a little space because we can't read them as well. Bye

    2. Hi Holden, this is Jillly
      I like you said this makes me who I am end at the of your paragraph.
      When you where typing your paragraph I think you should enter or return every time you write a sentence for example you go, like this....
      I am from...
      I am from...
      I am from...

  18. I am from by Cody (CJ)
    My little story
    I am from the grassy meadow
    I am from the city lights
    I am from the waters of Tennessee
    I am from the snowy seas
    I am from the city of sand
    I am from the snakes in my toes
    I am from the sun beating on my skin
    I am from the sandy dome
    I am from the sandy sun
    I am from a two story house
    I am from a city family with a country heart
    I am from a gamer family
    I am from the milky way
    I am from a family with lots of friends
    I am from Las Vegas Nevada

    1. Hi CJ I like how you said "I am from the sun beating on my skin" because it tells you that it is hot where you live. The next time you do something like this I think that you should be more detailed, by telling what snowy seas or what kind of snakes. -Delani

    2. Hi CJ this is Daniela (Queen D.) I like how you said a city family with a country heart because now I see a picture in my head .But I know you can come up with a better title than My little story

  19. My Gorgeous Stallion
    By: Bryndal W.
    "Go forward in life with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, but with great purpose in your heart." -Gordon B. Hinkley

    I am from a wonderful family.
    I am from the beach with water whisping through my heels. I am from the ocean where dolphins swim.
    I am from a garden where beautiful flowers grow.
    I am from snow running wild in the wind.
    I am from a world of hope and faith.
    I am from a gorgeous brown dog who is very lazy.
    I am from hooves stomping on the ground with dust flying in the air.
    I am from a stampede of horses.
    I am from a place where many horses live with a smell of leather drifting away.
    I am from a horse that goes on many trails.
    I am from a beautiful barrel racing brown stallion.
    I am from two adorable guinea pigs who love to play.
    I am from a bunch of crazy puppies.
    I am from the desert where tumble weeds roll.
    I am from the land I love.
    I am from Arizona.

    1. Rees is in the house! I think you could describe what kind of puppies. I like how you put I am from the the beach with water whisping through my heels, I think that is creative.

    2. I love how you said that you are from a garden where their are beautiful flowers grow. I think you should say the beautiful pink and purple flowers grow in my garden.-Shay shay

  20. By Rees G.
    I am from Phoenix,how about you?

    "It's not about the years you live it's about the years you touch."

    I am from the glow of fire from a fire pit on a summer night.
    I am from the melted marshmallows of s'mores.
    I am from the splash of a cannon ball in a pool.
    I am from the tan hardwood of a basketball court.
    I am from the tips of dark green grass.
    I am from the taste of a cheeseburger.
    I am from the soft grey carpet in my house.
    I am from the heavy backpacks of school.
    I am from a sea turtle's shell.
    I am from the white sandy beaches of the islands of Hawaii.
    I am from the long hot summer days.
    I am from the cold blue salty ocean.
    I am from the glass of a basketball hoop's backboard.

    I am actually from Phoenix,Arizona

    1. hay resses pesses, i like your quote,but i think the person that mayde he quote is russul wilsons wife,LUWE.

    2. Hi Rees this is Holden T. What I liked about your I am from story was that you used details to tell more about you story. What you could of wrote for your last sentence could be I am from Phoenix,Arizona actually.

  21. This is where Im from!By:Natalie G. "Life is a circle, so you got to follow it". I am from a warm breeze flying through the air. I am from a grassy area in Colorado. I am from the middle of the desert in Arizona . I am from the windy field in a orange and blue school. I am from a big green Mountain of the nice warm Springs. I am from the cold shivers of Winter. I am from Earth with living people. I am from a busy state called"Florida". I am from millions of cars rushing time to time. I am from the stars that shine so bright better than the moonlight. I am from bugs crawling everywhere. I am from trillions of miles away from my family. I am from a sparkling light in water . I am from a town called "Las Colinas". I am from Phoenix,Arizona.

    1. LUWE here, nice quote its has naw inspired me a lot, but maybe add who said that quote

    2. Hi Natalie, this is Faith.
      I love how you have a very long paragraph in your " I am From".Maybe instead of going off and making it look like a paragraph, you could look at everybody else's first then do yours. Bye

    3. Hello Natalie, I don't know if you are aware that you have the wrong style on your if you don't mind. I like the "I am from a warm breeze flying though the air". That is a good one but look through and you mite see what it is told to look like and I'm saying this not to be rood. - KK

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. I AM FROM. By Israel Thompson.

    "You may not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean;if a few drops of the ocean are dirty. The ocean does not become dirty."
    -Mahatma Gandhi
    I am from a loving couple.
    I am from a computer as bright as the moon.
    I am from the snow white as snow white.
    I am from a horse pulling a carriage while eating a clover.
    I am from a travelling family.
    I am from the smell of mint leaves in the forest of Ecuador.
    I am from the leather of a football on a football field.
    I am from a car that can drive anywhere.
    I am from a moving van to Arizona.
    I am from the hot sun beating down on my face.
    I am from a coffee as sweet as ice-cream on a Monday
    I am from a school with the best teacher ever!
    I am from a neighborhood as nice as New York.
    I am from a dog as golden as the hair on my best friend maxxen.
    I am from Denver/Colorado.

  24. I am from,by Johnny G, [LUWE]
    ''First, accept the ways of living and thinking that sometimes conflict with your own''-Satoshi Tajiri
    I am from a technical family
    I am from a playful brother
    I am from two funny sisters
    I am from a pencil that makes pictures come alive
    I am from J to G
    I am from good to great
    I am from a winner to a champion
    I am from 1000 friends world wide
    I am from a grandfather of god
    I am from a board to a screen
    I am from the splashing water of the pool on a hot day
    I am from a class of joy
    I am from a state of red, white, and blue
    I am from Washington

    1. Hi Luwe its Natalie Im going to Comment.I like your grammer and you said a pencil that makes pictures come to life.

  25. by atticus

    'the real excitement is playing the game' donald trump

    I am from the huge black gorilla pounding on his chest.
    I am from a place of worship.
    I am from a place of love all around.
    I am from a place of the sound of cheering on the field.
    I am from a black and white hexagon on a cylinder.
    I am from a place of numbers and addition.
    I am from the white and red strips on the flag
    I am from the hot and sunny state.
    I am from the Dinosaur land of uhta.
    I am from a loud barking of a brown lab dog.
    I am from the pictures with paint on them.
    I am from the soffest puffs on a pooldle
    I am from my beatfull place of arizona

  26. Were i'm from


    " Winning isn't everything..... it's the only thing- VINCE LOMBARDI"

    I am from the cold sandy beach in California.
    I am from the sweet salty Mississippi river.
    I am from the Colorado hills were the point pine trees grow.
    I am from San Diego beach were the water is cold.
    I am from the the crisp smell of a book.
    I am from the crisp smell of the peach leather.
    I am from icy cold winter nights.
    I am from the sweet apple cinnamon tree.
    I am from Mexico river were there is lots of waves.
    I am from the sweet smell of a maple tree.
    I am from the sweet apple cinnamon pie.
    I am from the sweet dry crisp morning breezy.
    I am from the sweet smell of a corn patch.
    I am from the white paper airplane that flies very fast.
    I am from the crispy smell of Colorado.
    I am from Phoenix,Arizona-Timothy

  27. I am from By: Steven H
    How ever difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.-Stephen Hawking

    I am from the green blades of grass at the Deer valley park.

    I am from the cool breeze of the air.

    I am from the white fluffy clouds.

    I am from the yellow glare of the sun.

    I am from the blue waves of the sandy beach.

    I am from the bright blue sky of the Sonoran desert.

    I am from the glimmering blue water from Ireland.

    I am from the sandy beaches beneath my feet.

    I am from the scorching heat in Arizona.

    I am from the sounds of the crashing waves of the ocean.

    I am from the black ink from my pen.

    I am from the lead of my black and red pencil.

    I am from Phoenix, Arizona.

    I am from the American flag waving in the wind.

    I am from the Philippines.

  28. Many Memories...By: Jillian K.

    "Life is a Song - Sing it. Life is a Game - Play it. Life is a Challenge - Meet it. Life is a Dream - Realize it. Life is a Sacrifice - Offer it. Life is Love - Enjoy it." Sai Baba

    I am from someone who knows the value of hard work and someone who is strong and fights for what she believes in.

    I am from the smell of rain on long rainy nights.

    I am from a house that melts into the desert.

    I am from a school that teaches me to work hard.

    I am from a team of strong athletes where we have an unbreakable bond because every practice we literally put our lives in each others hands.

    I am from the black shoes that meet the blue mat at cheer competitions.

    I am from the droplets of water on my face when I am racing on the water in my red boat.

    I am from a home filled with love and cuddles.

    I am from a family built on strength and courage.

    I am from the water slides during the summer with the bright blue water.

    I am from a world where my animals come first.

    I am from a life that has three dogs, three goats, and three donkeys (one past). They are my best friends.

    I am from a family where I have one brother and one sister.

    I am from Phoenix also known as a unique bird that rose from the me.
