Start with your Thesis Statement -
This will appear at the beginning of an introductory paragraph of your paper - it offers concise summary of the main point -
What is concise - ? exact, clear -
Thesis Statement - focuses your ideas into one or two sentences -
it will present the topic and if applicable/your opinion or argument.
Your Superhero Thesis Statement will have three superhero self-claimed powers. Write about your Superhero (you) in third person.
For example; Water Woman is a superhero with superpowers that include making a water bubble, tsunami and, has the ability to freeze water.
Thesis statement in the introductory paragraph -
In this introductory paragraph lets the reader know what they are going to read about -
Body Paragraphs - 3 total describing each power
1st sentence is a topic sentence - followed by 4 supporting sentences -
Water Bubbles Power -
Tsunami Power
Water Freezing Power
Concluding Paragraph - Conclusion - Rephrases and the Wrap Up -
Restating highlights -
Concluding paragraph is the last paragraph in an academic essay and generally summarizes the essay, presents the main idea of the essay, or gives an overall solution to a problem or argument given in the essay.

The Cover - YOUR SUPERHERO - must be made out of geometric shapes - it will need to be labeled - you must label all shapes you use and be color coded to match - for example -
all types triangles are yellow - circles are blue - be specific with your triangles -rectangles in hair, etc.
Superhero on a Poster Board - soft for posting up on wall - refer to geometric poster on board. Create a key that represents your shape/color - for example - draw a yellow triangle - label it triangle - then use (any size) triangle - all yellow
Due Dates; Outlines are due Thursday, March 30th - Post your plan by Thursday, March 30th to include your Superhero Title Name/Your Name and your Outline - both due on Thursday, Print copy and posted online
Final Poster Board - Superhero Postings, on the blog - by Thursday, April 6th - Be prepared to share in class - Posters are also due by Thursday, April 6th -